Acupuncture and Herbs
help when your doctor gives up
All types of stomach problems that the regular hospital has difficulty identifying are usually discribed as IBS. Stomach problems are very common even though people live healthy. In Chinese medicine we do not see IBS as a disease but as lots of different types of imbalances. When you identify and make the right diagnosis on what kind of imbalance it is, the treatment usually gives quick effect.
Imbalances in the body are a complex problem, therefore the diagnosis is very important! It can be about overheating
(qi shortage), moisture and heat, only moisture damage etc!
We are always very careful with the diagnosis so that the treatment should yield results quickly.
• Acid regurgitation
• gastric catarrh
• Gaseous stomach
• diarrhea and constipation
• Sensitivety to different types of food
• Gastric Ulcers
• Crohn's disease
and a lot of stomach problems that have no name.