The Meridians and Acupuncture
Meridians can be described as energy channels where qi (energy) flows. It is a system that is not visible to the naked eye but it is there. The Meridians are connected with our internal organs, tissues and functions along their range. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that all energy systems work together to maintain human life.
There are a total of 24 meridians, 12 on each side of the body. Each meridian belongs to a certain organ and a mental function. Along the meridians there are special points, such as acupuncture points, where one can control the functions and feelings of the internal organ systems.
Acupuncture treatment is about stimulating the flow of Qi through the meridians. When Qi flows well in the body, one feels good. When Qi is blocked and stagnates, one feels bad and it hurts.
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