Perfect for being treated with Acupuncture
and herbal medicine
The hormone system is the control system in the body. It sends out signals (hormones) to the body and tells the different parts of the body what to do. It also collects signals from the body to tell the steering system what is going on so that it can control new conditions. This huge information system is controlled autonomously by the body.
Sometimes the control system may lose control. Our hormones then end up imbalanced. This affects our lives enormously, for example, we can have severe PMS and mood swings that we can‘t control. We can have severe menstrual bleeding that is will not stop or cysts can appear on the ovaries and pregnancies can become difficult. We can also become passive because we have no desire or energy to interact socially. Our bodies can begin to accumulate fluid so that we look thick etc, etc.
We simply feel bad when our hornomes are out of balance.
Our treatments are really about helping your body find back to a balance so that hormones return to normal again.